I enjoy speaking at public events about my experience, my research and some solutions
2017 -----
Inspirational Talk for the Zero Waste Week of ECOVADIS, Paris, France.
One-week seminar “ The Geography of Circular Economy: how to impulse societal and environmental changes? ”IRIC, Institut des Relations Internationales du Cameroun, Yahounde, Cameroun.
Conference “ From research to Ecodesign “ and Social Design “New Thinking for New Times”, JAK Akademie für Design Gmb, Hamburg, Germany
2016 ----
Conference “ From research to Ecodesign “ and Social Design “New Thinking for New Times “ Environmental Engineering University of Padova, Padova, Italy
Speaker at the 5th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management (by the IWW). Talk on “ Waste valorisation through Design” Chania, Crete, Greece
2014 ----
Conference on Social Design “Mapping the world of the 30 best projects in the world, Circular Society, Zug, Switzerland
2013 ----
Presentation on Recycling in Design and Social Design, Dessau International Architecture Graduate School- DIA, Dessau, Germany
2012 ----
“New Thinking for New Times”, Near Year’ eve presentation, Dune eco village, Pondicherry, India
Master Class at the Yermilov Art Centre, Kharkov, Ukraine
International Round Table “ From research to Design “, Kosmos University, Humbold University,Berlin, Germany
Presentation on Recycling in Design and Social Design, Dessau International Architecture Graduate School- DIA, Dessau, Germany
2008 ----
Social design Camp with the students of the University of Istanbul, Ignaeda, Turkey
Guest lecturer on “Sustainability and Recycling” at the National Institute of Creative Arts and Industries (NICAI) Elam School of Fine Arts, Auckland, New Zealand
2007 ----
Leading a master class for the graphic design and fashion students at the Kharkov State Academy of Design and Arts, on the theme: “Recycling in Design and in Fashion in Particular” Kharkov,Ukraine
2006 ----
Guest lecturer for the Man & Humanity Master at the Eindhoven Design Academy, on the them “Re-using and Recycling in the world” Eindhoven, The Netherlands